If you plan to bring a horse, please let us know in advance, by filling out the Pre-Registration form. Be sure to bring copies of a negative Coggins test & health certificate.
Come join us at Castle Wars for an opportunity for gentles young and old to displaythe equestrian arts. The site will open at 5 pm for horses Friday. Any early arrivals will have to be arranged through the Equestrian Marshal in Charge, Lord Logan. Friday evening there will bean introductory horse safety class, and authorizations for riders offered as time permits. Saturday will start with a riders meeting and then we will proceed to our Challenge Course based on a theme that involves preparation for a feast at our castle. In the afternoon there will be an Inter-Kingdom Tournament, Tag and Bag (mounted tag), and Kings Lancer Competition.
If you plan to bring a horse, please let us know in advance. Be sure to bring copies of a negative Coggins test & health certificate (if from out of state) in order to have your horse allowed on site. If you can email these a head of time it will provide for a much more seamless check-in.
All riders must be current members of the SCA, or sign a special waiver. Additionally, they must either have authorization cards from their Kingdom of Residence, or take the Safety classand authorize on site, as time permits.Children must be at least 5 years old, demonstrate pre-existing rider proficiency, must wear an approved riding helmet, have a parent present during the activity, andsign a special waiver. No separate children's tourney will be held, but may have the option of competing with the adults during the challenge course, atthe marshal's discretion. Minors may use any size weapon that they can successfully and safely wield, with the exception of metal tips. Per Society rules, there will be no lead line or "pony rides" allowed. Children must take the Saturday morning risk management class & must be able to control the horse themselves to authorization at a trot or canter.There are no rental horses or stables on site. All owners wishing to keep their steeds on site must bring a portable pen, keep them at night in the trailer, or tether them. We ask that equestrians camp adjacent to their horses to provide adequate supervision. There is a nearby stable. Please contact email_link("Kaelan", $eq_deputy_email, "Castle Wars - Equestrian Marshal"); ?> (MKA Michelle L. Allen - 770-855-4320 before 9 pm.) or email_link("Logan", $equestrian_email, "Castle Wars - Equestrian Marshal"); ?> (MKA Kevin Stephenson - 256-605-9120).
Friday | |
5pm | Site opens for horses |
5 until dark | open practice - authorizations if time permits |
Saturday | |
7:30 | Wake up - mounted herald |
8:30 | Riders meeting |
9:30 | Taste of Home Challenge Course |
12-1:00 | Lunch Break |
1:00-1:30 or 2:00 | Kings Lancer |
2:00 | Inter-Kingdom Challenge |
4:00 | Tag and Bag |
Sunday | |
Clear site by 12 noon |
Games Details-
Taste of Home Challenge Course
The Challenge Course will consist of a timed event of 2 person teams. Best combined score wins.
Taste of Home may provide wonderful recipes in the modern kitchen, but our challenge courses Feast will not get made via modern conveniences such as a grocery store.
Activities include:
AAA Triptik
Ride around the edge of our riding area way and relay the invitation to your teammate to deliver to the invited party.
- 2 points
Stag Stab
Use your javelin skills to bring down a stag (or boar) for the main course of our feast.
- 2 points for kill
- 1 point for wound
Moat Madness
Cross the drawbridge over the moat and into the castle walls and out again.
- 1 point for crossing
- -1 for falling off the bridge into the moat
Architectural Digest
Your castle is almost complete, work with your teammate to carry the remaining blocks to be placed on the wall to complete your castle.
- 3 points per box
- -1 per topple
Courtyard Cleanup
Get out your tent-pegging pole and pick up the trash! Guests are coming and we dont want garbage or debris in the courtyard to make our castle grounds look bad.
- 1 point per pick up
Veggie Maize
All reputable castles had a garden and one with a maze would allow you to sneak off and roam with your sweetheart or to just smell the roses. Vegetables would also grow in the garden and would need to be picked and prepared for the feast. Ride your horse through the maze and gather up a vegetable or two and drop them in the cauldron for the nights dinner.
- 1 point for maneuvering the maze
- 1 point per veggie dropped into the cauldron
- -1 point per veggie dropped in the maze
Quintain Skills Assessment
The knights and warriors of the castle would need to be practicing and honing their skills for their lord. So this activity will let you work on protecting your castle.
- ½ pt per rotation
Party Rock is in the House
Lets stop the party crashers, pick-pockets, and other unwanted ruffians from disrupting the entrance to our castle or ruining the feast. Lob off their heads! (Saracen Heads)
- 1 point per head
Table Settings
Set the table for the feast.
- 1 point per setting
Kings Lancer
The Kings Lance will show his prowess with the quintain, rings, and spear toss. Come watch to see who will be the Kings Lancer!
Inter-Kingdom Challenge
Come demonstrate your riding prowess in a spirit of camaraderie and fun to see who will bring glory to their Kingdom. Activities include ring tilting (either Saracen or Norman style), pig sticking, spear throw, & the double quintain.
Depending on time and the number of riders, either single passes or best 2 of three, with single or double elimination for each game. Cards are randomly drawn in pairs by the Lyst Mistress.A single die can determine the lyst played based onnumber matching a game with 6 being competitors choice or riders can just be sent to them in a specific order as they are drawn. (First pair drawn goes to say lyst 1, the spear throw, etc.)The lysts all run simultaneously, which is fun and exciting for all, and it saves a ton of time!Single competitors get a bye. Eliminated riders can offer to be a bye rider for the gallery entertainment. We play until there is one left for the champion.
Defend the Castle
Riders authorized for mounted combat can fight to defend their lord and castle TBA depending on rider availability.
Tag and Bag
Individuals or teams can be determined at time of event - will have bags of gold from the taxes they have collected. But rival lords may desire that gold for their own coffers and may be lying in wait to attack and take the gold for themselves. The team with the most amount of gold wins. Riders try to tag others that are riding from a starting point across an open area to a safe area.
Sunday morning, if we can please have the site cleared by 12pm it would be appreciated. Thank you for coming and helping to make Castle Wars fun and a success!