While some people come to Castle Wars for the fighting, riding, or revelry, others see camping as an activity unto itself. This year we will be conducting a tour of the best period encampments at the war. Participating encampments will have a Toys For Tots collection box by their gate; bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate on behalf of the best camp. The encampment with the most toys collected will win bragging rights until next year. Questions may be directed to the email_link("event steward", $steward_email, "Castle Wars - Tour of Homes"); ?>.
Your ad could be here! Contact the email_link("Merchant Coordinator", $merchant_email, "Castle Wars - Merchants"); ?> for info.
Event Steward
email_link("Mistress Adela Scrijver van Brugge", $steward_email, "Castle Wars - Steward"); ?>
Deputy Steward
email_link("THLady Miramah bint Ibrahim", $deputy_email, "Castle Wars - Deputy Steward"); ?>
email_link("Sir Kytte Meliora Stevenson", $reservations_email, "Castle Wars - Reservations"); ?>
Armored Combat Marshal
email_link("Lord Sebastian Cornelius", $armored_email, "Castle Wars - Armored Marshal"); ?>
Rapier Combat Marshal
email_link("Master Ximon Martillo de Cordoba", $rapier_email, "Castle Wars - Rapier Marshal"); ?>
Equestrian Marshal
email_link("Lord Logan Silveraxe", $equestrian_email, "Castle Wars - Equestrian Marshal"); ?>
Arts & Sciences
email_link("Lady Serafina Alamanni", $artsci_email, "Castle Wars - A&S"); ?>
Herald Coordinator
email_link("Lord Randwulf æt Blacwulveslea", $herald_email, "Castle Wars - Heralds"); ?>
Land Coordinator
email_link("Lady Muriel Goldbergh", $land_email, "Castle Wars - Land"); ?>
Merchant Coordinator
email_link("Baroness Bianca the Inquisitive", $merchant_email, "Castle Wars - Merchants"); ?>
© 2011 Barony of South Downs. Website design by House of Pung Design.