Receiving an award in court is a memorable occasion, made all the more so by a beautifully illuminated scroll. Come join your fellow scribes to help recognize the works of those worthy gentles. Specific questions may be directed to the email_link("A&S coordinator", $artsci_email, "Castle Wars - Scriptorium"); ?>.
Your ad could be here! Contact the email_link("Merchant Coordinator", $merchant_email, "Castle Wars - Merchants"); ?> for info.
Event Steward
email_link("Mistress Adela Scrijver van Brugge", $steward_email, "Castle Wars - Steward"); ?>
Deputy Steward
email_link("THLady Miramah bint Ibrahim", $deputy_email, "Castle Wars - Deputy Steward"); ?>
email_link("Sir Kytte Meliora Stevenson", $reservations_email, "Castle Wars - Reservations"); ?>
Armored Combat Marshal
email_link("Lord Sebastian Cornelius", $armored_email, "Castle Wars - Armored Marshal"); ?>
Rapier Combat Marshal
email_link("Master Ximon Martillo de Cordoba", $rapier_email, "Castle Wars - Rapier Marshal"); ?>
Equestrian Marshal
email_link("Lord Logan Silveraxe", $equestrian_email, "Castle Wars - Equestrian Marshal"); ?>
Arts & Sciences
email_link("Lady Serafina Alamanni", $artsci_email, "Castle Wars - A&S"); ?>
Herald Coordinator
email_link("Lord Randwulf æt Blacwulveslea", $herald_email, "Castle Wars - Heralds"); ?>
Land Coordinator
email_link("Lady Muriel Goldbergh", $land_email, "Castle Wars - Land"); ?>
Merchant Coordinator
email_link("Baroness Bianca the Inquisitive", $merchant_email, "Castle Wars - Merchants"); ?>
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